A tower of rose: beautiful creation in elevation for for someone you care about. This simple composition makes it possible to propose an original object to dress a counter, a pedestal table … Here, the cost of stabilized plants is very limited because we use only a dozen rose petals, some leaves of ivy and 2 English roses. The rest of the costs: accessories and work. So, to your tools, ready, go !
To make this DIY, you need :
– 1 contenair
– Petals of roses
– 2 english roses
– 2 osier’s hearts
– 2 wodden hearts
– Red rattan
– Floral moss
– Red brass wire
– Pins
– Mash reed stems
– 10 red ivy leaves
– Floral glue
1 / Foam the container.
2 / Position the ivy leaves on both sides and pin them to the foam.
3 / Cut mash reed stems into bevels.
4 / Stitch the mash reed stems in parallel to different levels.
5 / Fix the wicker hearts on the mash reed stems at different heights with the brass wire.
6 / Position the 2 wicker hearts in the composition
7 / Raise the English roses on the reed mash stems..
8 / Position the roses between the hearts.
9 / Cut strips of rattan into thin strips.
10 / Stitch the rattan strips vertically.