DIY / Precious Gardenias | Précieux Gardénias

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Presented by Yannick Delplace, this floral composition will make you take the height. With very few elements and a few tools, elaborate in a few minutes a composition that is at once aerial, precious and delicate.


To make this Do It Yourself, you need :
– 3 white gardenias
– 1 origami vase
– 1 bindwire reel
– 1 sachet of green mitsumata
– 3 white feathers
– 2 green rock ferns
– 3 ribbons of fabric
– 3 rods of rigid iron
– 1 tube of adhesive
– Scissors and cutting pliers
– Hot glue gun

1 / Insert the bundle into the self-locking vase.


2 / Keep 1 cm of pen from the feather. Cut 15 cm of wire, then insert it into the stem.


3 / Twist the bindwire assembly (feather and wire).


4 / Trim feathers and leaves.

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5 / Tiger the gardenias with a point of glue.

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6 / Twist the bindwire rod.

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7 / Arrange the gardenias and feathers in the structure with a point of glue. 

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8 / Glue the ferns on the vase.


Magazine en ligne dédié aux fleurs et plantes stabilisées
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Online magazine dedicated to stabilized
flowers and plants
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