The round bouquet is LE classic bouquet by excellence !
When making a round bouquet, the goal is to assemble flowers and foliage to obtain a compact set with a rounded and curved shape, while creating a spin with the stems. That’s it for the “theory” minute.
But above all the aesthetic details will define your style !
You have always wondered how to make a round bouquet in flowers and preserved foliages ?
Take a look at this DIY, and for sure, this bouquet will have no secrets for you !
To make this Do It Yourself, you need :
– 3 preserved hydrangeas Extra
– 3 preserved english roses
– 1 preserved bouquet of salal leaves
– 1 preserved bouquet of bear grass
– 25 skeleton leaves
– Raffia
– 3 flower holders
– Floral stem wire
– Some tools
1 / Raise the English roses on the flower holder. If needed : put the glue on the flower holder and stick the rose head on the top.
2 / Make 3 loops of bear grass on the technical wire, then Floratape the wire and form a loop with the bear grass. Finally attach the loop to the wire.
3 / Assemble the hydrangeas, the bear grass loops and the roses heads together to form the bouquet.
4 / Dress the bouquet with skeleton leaves.
5 / Make the foliage of the collar with the salal leaves.
6 / To maintain this, make the decorative technical link with raffia. Cut the ends of the salal branches to create a hold.