Looking for fresh air, a trip to the countryside, to hear the sweet song of the cicadas? Escape by making this country bouquet. To your branches, foliage, berries and anything else that will inspire you!
To make this Do It Yourself, you need :
– 1 preserved bear grass bouquet
– 20 birch branches
– 1 preserved pepper tree bouquet
– 3 preserved english roses
– 1 preserved diosmi bouquet
– 1 preserved limonia bouquet
– 1/2 preserved eucalyptus stuartiana bouquet
– 1/2 preserved eucalyptus baby bluebouquet
– Raffia
– Florist stem wire
– Some tools
1 / Make a cross pattern with the technical wire on the english roses.
2 /Preparation of the plants: pluck off the ends of the stems.
3 / Assemble the dry and blooming plants and compose the spread bouquet.
4 / Put the eucalyptus stuartiana leaves on the lower part of the bouquet to bring more foliage..
5 / Make the decorative technical link with raffia. Prune the ends of the branches to create a support.
Ce Do It Yourself vous a été présenté par Secondflor.com