SN DIY Ronde des roses à la une e1734963655661

It is an elegant round of roses that SecondNatur offers you to create through this DIY. Get some roses, red ivy, green hydrangea and amaranth, all preserved, and let yourself be guided.


SN DIY Ronde des roses Matériel NEWTo make this Do It Yourself, you need :Pour réaliser ce DIY il vous faut :
– 2 red Amaranth
– 3 English roses
– 1 Ivy bouquet
– 1 Hydrangea extra section
– 2 technical wire (1 m)
– 7 flower holders
– 1 m of rattan
– 1 aluminium heart
– Aluminium wire
– Some mash reed rods

1 / Make a rattan circle 15 cm in diameter.

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2 / Tie with brass wire.

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3 / Build a handle using the technical wires.
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4 / Bend the wire to the diameter of the rattan circle.

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5 / Secure the wire and hide it behind 4 pieces of rattan glued on top.

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6 / Set the plants on the flower holders.

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7 / Insert the plants in groups at different levels.

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8 / Tie the stems together and spread the ivy under the bouquet and bind together.

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9 / Reinforce the handle with the mash reed rods.
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10 / Tie the mash reed handle with decorative tape, then bind with brass wire.

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11 / For the final touch, insert the aluminium heart into the composition.

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Magazine en ligne dédié aux fleurs et plantes stabilisées
Secondnatur est une marque appartenant à

Online magazine dedicated to stabilized
flowers and plants
Secondnatur is a brand belonging to



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