Christmas is fast approaching! It’s almost time to share a little dream with your family. What better way to enjoy it than with this star-shaped decoration, as bright as a shooting star?


SF DIY Fiches DIY Christmasstar MatérielTo make this Do It Yourself, you need :
– A star-shaped container
– 1 stabilized glitter rose head
– 5 ruscus leaves
– Sisal
– 1 paper star
– Flat aluminium wire
– 1 plastic Christmas ball
– 1 wooden stake
– 1 flower holder
– 4 technical wires
– Hot glue
– Floral foam

1 / Foam the container.

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2 / Split the flat aluminium thread in half and create 2 swirls.

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3 / Place the rose on the flower holder.

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4 / Group the ruscus leaves on the technical wire.

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5 / Stick the ball on the stake with a little cysal.

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6 / Place the 2 swirls on the top and bottom of the star.

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7 / After cutting the flower holder and the stake at an angle, prick the rose, the ball and the ruscus leaves alternately.

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8 / Hide the visible foam with sisal.

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9 / Tie the star in a hanging position.

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Extra : Add a 3rd aluminium swirl!

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