“Coupe de Lys” by Benoît Saint-Amand

Benoît Saint-Amand, the best craftsman in France, has created a WORKS entitled “Coupe de Lys”. This decorative bouquet, ideal for decorating an entrance, a lobby, or a hotel reception, is simply composed of 4 preserved plants for a wow effect.

He first creates a 47 cm palisade with the gyneriums and attaches it to a metal circle. A bundle is then recreated by tightening the base with a cord. After the Easter lilies have been twisted using the cross-wire technique, the hydrangea is attached to a stem and inserted into the cluster. Finally, the lilies are placed on the hydrangea.

To recreate Benoît Saint-Amand’s superb WORKS, here are the plants you can use:

To know more about Benoît Saint-Amand, read his interview for SecondNatur
His website: Benoît Saint Amand
His WORKS: Bridal Bouquet / Beauty of the fields / Nest Bouquet / Crown Bouquet

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