“Floral earrings” by Le Dahlia Noir

Boucles d'oreilles floral earrings

Elegance and modernity… Floral earrings are a trend that is set to continue in the wedding industry. These delicate floral pink earrings were made by Lénaic Peillon, better known as Le Dahlia Noir, and are part of his baroque and poetic universe. Read on to explore his savoir-faire.

Materials needed

To recreate the beautiful WORKS of Le DahliaNoir, here are the plants you can use:

How did Le Dahlia Noir make these trendy floral earrings?

He starts by covering the back of the large hoop earrings with small red eucalyptus leaves to create a base for the plants that he will then glue on. Then he puts some hot glue on the back of the large hoop earrings and puts the different plants on it. Ferns, hydrangeas, and broom are intertwined to form unique and elegant earrings.

His website: Le Dahlia Noir
Find the matching boutonniere, flower comb and bridal bouquet in the section WORKS of our magazine reserved for preserved flowers and plants. For the festive season, take inspiration from his Christmas wreath.

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