
Meet Philippe Dupuy, founder and CEO of Lettershop

Does a 100% plant-based sign for your company sound futuristic? Preserved lichen, for example, requires little maintenance and allows Philippe Dupuy, founder of Exaprint and Lettershop, to recreate your signage in more ecological materials. His career path and his commitments are reflected in his way of seeing the business world. He reveals all about it in this interview.

Meet Émilia Oliverio, Best Worker of France and so much more

The floral art in preserved plants has no more secrets for our guest Émilia Oliverio, MOF. She has been expressing her creativity for more than 25 years through floral compositions for many occasions. She gives you her advice on how to successfully integrate preserved flowers into your business. Learn more about an eclectic artist who has found a unique way of expression in preserved flowers.

Magazine en ligne dédié aux fleurs et plantes stabilisées
Secondnatur est une marque appartenant à

Online magazine dedicated to stabilized
flowers and plants
Secondnatur is a brand belonging to



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