SN DIY Rose en cube IMAGES UNE

Romanticism in floral composition may appear in many guises: as with this structure proposing the alliance of geometric shapes and a disordered aerial aspect.


SN-DIY-Rose en cube-MatérielTo make this Do It Yourself, you need :
– 1 glass cube
– 2 roses XL or 1 XXL
– Roses Leaves
– Floral foam
– Pins
– Red brass wire
– Technical wire
– 10 strands of bear grass
– Floral glue

1 / Fill the glass container with foam..

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2 / Glue the moss and place the rose leaf platform on the structure.

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3 / Puncture the square of rose leaves with a stake.
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4 / Mount the rose on the technical wire.

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5 / Remove the petals of the second rose and glue them around the central rose using the glamélia technique.

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6 / Stick the rose in the middle of the square

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7 / Make 4 small bundles of bear grass and fix them with the pins.

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8 / Split up the bear grass and position it on the structure by making a dome.

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Magazine en ligne dédié aux fleurs et plantes stabilisées
Secondnatur est une marque appartenant à

Online magazine dedicated to stabilized
flowers and plants
Secondnatur is a brand belonging to



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