“Nest Bouquet” by Benoît Saint-Amand

Benoît Saint-Amand presents a new creation with a spring theme and inspired by a bird’s nest. On a wire structure with a “spider” shape, he mixes a variety of stabilized plants and flowers: gynerium, rose, gypsophila or even gardenia. Harmoniously arranged, this country-style bouquet gives the impression of having been picked straight from the wild.


To find out more about Benoît Saint Amand: his interview for SecondNatur
His website : Benoît Saint Amand
His WORKS : Crown Bouquet / Beauty of the fields / Bridal Bouquet

Magazine en ligne dédié aux fleurs et plantes stabilisées
Secondnatur est une marque appartenant à

Online magazine dedicated to stabilized
flowers and plants
Secondnatur is a brand belonging to



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